
We Help You Have A Voice!

Physician engagement is essential to the success of a pro-medicine legislature. Join us in fighting for legislation that helps physicians practice medicine without interference from over regulation and protects patients with decisions made by doctors not politicians. View our Legislative Priorities.

Lawmakers want and need to hear from professionals in the field of medicine!

Current State Legislation

Senate Bill 279 – Oppose Dangerous Scope of Practice Expansion
The patient-centered care model, led by physicians and supported by the best trained and most qualified care team members is the proven, time-tested approach that ensures all Michigan patients receive the kind of quality care they expect and deserve.

SB 279 seeks to undermine and threaten that approach by removing physicians from patient care teams and allowing the full independent practice of Nurse Practitioners. It’s dangerous legislation that could have severe consequences for patient outcomes and access to quality care.

Please contact your lawmakers today and urge them to vote NO on Senate Bill 279. Talking points for SB 279.

House Bills 5554 & 5555 – Oppose Efforts to Weaken Michigan’s Smoke Free Air Laws
Efforts are underway to weaken Michigan’s Smoke Free Air laws and legislators need to hear from you! House Bills 5554 and 5555 would exempt hookah bars from the public smoking prohibition. Currently, hookah lounges have to operate separate LLCs to accommodate guests that want to smoke hookah and eat or drink. Combining these businesses into one would mean more employees are subject to second- or third-hand smoke when previously they were protected due to a physical barrier between the lounge and the restaurant. These bills would undermine public health efforts and expose more people to the dangers of secondhand smoke.

Take action now and tell your Representative to protect public health and vote NO on HB 5554 & HB 5555.

House Bill 5339 – Call on the House Insurance Committee to Schedule a Hearing on Step Therapy Reform!
One of the most important tenets of the work of the Michigan State Medical Society and Macomb County Medical Society is that health care decisions should be made between physicians and patients. Unfortunately, insurance companies’ practice of step therapy forces patients to try and fail on one or more prescription medications before they can access the treatment originally prescribed by their healthcare provider. This practice not only delays necessary treatment but can also exacerbate health conditions and lead to increased healthcare costs in the long run. HB 5339 would reform the pressing issue of “fail first” policies, which have a detrimental impact on patients across Michigan.

Securing a hearing on HB 5339 is pivotal in advancing this legislation and protecting Michiganders from the harms of step therapy tactics.

Please reach out to the members of the House Insurance Committee and urge them to schedule a hearing on HB 5339 as soon as possible.

House Bill 4472 – Protect Patients Access to Physician-Led Care Teams
When it comes to restoring a patient’s health, no one is more capable, better trained, and more likely to deliver safe and effective outcomes than physicians. That’s something we all need to work to protect, and House Bill 4472 is an excellent start.

House Bill 4472 would require advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to practice as part of physician-led, patient-centered care teams, where they would practice within the scope of their usual professional activities, creating a care model that ensures rural and underserved communities have access to physician-led care.

Medicine is just too complex and unforgiving to not have the most experienced and highly trained health care providers involved in diagnosis and treatment decisions, leading the way to the best and safest outcomes.

Please contact your lawmakers today and urge them to vote YES on HB 4472. Talking points for physician-led care.

Tri-County Legislative Committee

We need your voice! We are looking for MCMS members who want to directly interact with local legislators and represent Macomb County on the Tri-County Legislative Committee. The committee meets quarterly with legislators from Southeast Michigan to discuss issues and legislation impacting physician practices and their patients. This committee works in conjunction with the Oakland and Wayne County Medical Societies.

Anyone interested in joining the committee contact Heidi Leach.

Learn More About MDPAC
The Michigan Doctors’ Political Action Committee (MDPAC) is a bipartisan political action committee made up of physicians, their families, residents, medical students and others interested in making a positive contribution to the medical profession through the political process. Established by the Michigan State Medical Society, MDPAC supports pro-medicine candidates running for the State legislature, Michigan Supreme Court and other statewide positions. Join now!